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Toplam 9 adet sonuç bulundu.

Jean-Paul Sartre ve Bad Faith (Felsefe Polisliği)

Jean-Paul Sartre ve Bad Faith (Felsefe Polisliği)

6 yıl önce Okunma Süresi 11 dk Cloud
1. Benim hiçbir suçum yok ki komiser amca -Neden makdulü öldürdünüz? ( arkafonda kanıt müziği ve sorgulama odası, üç kişi..
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Why human language is not unique?

Why human language is not unique?

6 yıl önce Okunma Süresi 2 dk Cloud
Although language seems to be uniquely human, there are other species with whom we share, though not all, same properties of language. Statement 1 : Human language is an open co..
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Grammar teaching for young learners

Grammar teaching for young learners

6 yıl önce Okunma Süresi 6 dk Cloud
Grammar teaching is often either neglected or focused too much regarding teaching English to YLs. How should we find the balance in teaching grammar to YLs? What are some methods t..
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Tahir and Zühre & Guinevere and Lancelot

Tahir and Zühre & Guinevere and Lancelot

6 yıl önce Okunma Süresi 3 dk Cloud
English Literature, since the very beginning of 2016/2017 educational year, has been one of the most fascinating courses that I've taken in METU. Among what we've studied s..
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How Can Teachers Increase Classroom Use of Academic Vocabulary?

How Can Teachers Increase Classroom Use of Academic Vocabulary?

6 yıl önce Okunma Süresi 5 dk Cloud
"How Can Teachers Increase Classroom Use of Academic Vocabulary?’’ by Lisa Larson, Temoca Dixon and Dianna Townsend   Summary: The writer uses brains..
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My first teaching experience in a public school

My first teaching experience in a public school

6 yıl önce Okunma Süresi 10 dk Cloud
I had successfully executed my first teaching session on November 14, 2019. I had so much paper work for the lesson that I had to find someone else to help me the previous day. We ..
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Özgüvensizlik ve Sebepleri

Özgüvensizlik ve Sebepleri

6 yıl önce Okunma Süresi 3 dk Cloud
Kendini beğenmişlik hissini tatma imkanını yakalayamamış bedenlerde vuku bulur. İlerleyen boyutları kişiyi intihara bile sürükleyebilir.  İntihar vakalarının sebeple..
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Uludağ'ın Zirvesine Nasıl Çıkılır? Harita Desteği, Otobüsler, Kaybolmama Garanti

Uludağ'ın Zirvesine Nasıl Çıkılır? Harita Desteği, Otobüsler, Kaybolmama Garanti

3 yıl önce Okunma Süresi 7 dk Cloud
Son zamanlarda televizyonlarda sıklıkla çıkan Erikli isimli su firmasının reklamlarına denk geldin.  “Vay be...” dedin. “Bu Uludağ ne m&uum..
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1 yıl önce Okunma Süresi 40 dk Cloud
In the stillness before sleep could claim him, Bulut found himself wrestling with the remnants of his day, tangled in the threads of a caffeine-fueled consciousness. The day's ..
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